Let’s take a minute to discuss the subtle effects of a leader’s behavior on an organization and its people. By understanding the interplay between leadership styles, workplace culture, and team productivity, you can take the first step to being a more effective, and respected leader in your business or organization.

Leaders Set the Tone for the Meeting, and the Workplace

Have you ever sat in a meeting when your leader was in an uncommonly bad mood? How did it impact your fellow attendees, or yourself?

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Often, a leader’s foul mood can cause meeting attendees to:

  • Feel uncomfortable
  • Fall silent
  • Back away

The results of a meeting are impacted when the leader’s mood is not in the right place. You may find yourself and your team unable to address conflict, work through sticking points or make iterations on an idea. All of this can be the result of a leader’s bad mood setting the team on edge.

Leadership coaching, like the one-on-one executive coaching offered by business consultant David Stanislaw helps leaders become more aware of their internal emotional state and control and deal with those emotions differently. For example, they might walk into such a meeting saying:

“I’m not in a good mood today. It has nothing to do with any of you. Now let’s get to work.”

Learn More about the Effects of a Leader’s Behavior

Ready to learn more about leadership, management styles, and other types of emotional intelligence? Check out this white paper to see real examples of how leaders can acknowledge and address the human factor in their work, while encouraging everyone to come together around a common goal.

David Stanislaw is an organizational development specialist with over 25 years’ experience in leadership and professional development. Through one-on-one executive coaching David helps business owners and leaders develop the tools they need to lead their organizations. Contact us to meet with David to move toward conflict resolution today.